Friday, January 4, 2008

Blustering weather here in Auburn, blew down part of my fence, and 4 of my students cancelled class because of the weather, some without electricity. Here's part two to the creative cycle.
part II
Fear short circuits choices, and keeps me stuck in Assimilation. In life, this is where I get stuck the most. Making up my mind and making a decision. Getting started is 80% of the work for me. That’s the trouble with being somewhat of a perfectionist or having to always do it right, or not at all. Perfectionism gets in the way when it is applied to everything…. What helps here is the level of commitment to the vision. What if the source of our original inspiration lies in something greater than ourselves – in the interconnectedness of all living things. What if my inspiration was not my thought but belonged to the universe? Would not the whole universe then support me in bringing it into being. Sometimes, knowing the source of the inspiration can deepen the commitment that moves me forward through the refinement process of Assimilation and choices.

Some other helpful hints are to realize that inspiration is a gift that needs to be nurtured. Put action, however small, into a time slot or routine, and keep moving forward, even if it is slow. Keep the vision alive.

The Third Aspect is Expression in the external world Putting action to your thoughts.

In Nature, Summer fades and the harvest is gathered as the air becomes crisp, and autumn colors celebrate labors of long days now gone.

In Art, having mastered the techniques of painting in pastel, I can enjoy actually watching myself paint. But that is the exception and not the rule. Usually there always remains a challenge to be worked out in the doing of it. Life is like this, too.

How something is done is just as important as the doing of it. In life, there comes the development of skills and practice that takes time before competence is realized. It is the level of commitment that continues to propel me forward through difficulties in Expression, and why clarity of vision is so important. Expression may be as simple as the courage to ask a question, or state a truth against opposition. Be patient. One may have to grow to fit the shoes to walk the dream.

For me, I get stuck in Expression because I get hyper-focused and cannot stop until the job is done. Sometimes I develop such an intensity on doing something that any distraction or interruption has a big emotional discharge to go with it. Sometimes in my initial excitement I rush to get it done and run out of steam before the task is completed. I get bored and am off doing something else, ending up with a lot of half completed jobs. Being stuck in Expression is an inability to take a break. Like the stubbornness of trying to push water upstream. There is a loss of flow. So, I am learning to take more breaks, and to take a slower pace in tackling goals, to keep the commitment clear, and to stay in the flow and balance.

This leads me to the fourth Aspect: Detachment.
conclusion on Sunday,

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